
Organizational Development

I work with organizations to create substantive transformational change, which provide avenues for creating success in the current and emerging markets. I help organizations review and assess their human resource management practices and develop and implement more appropriate structures , designs or practices.

Starting in 2002,I began a process of developing 3 year revolving business plans, approved by the CBT board of directors, which outlined the goals and objectives, activities, levels of priority and the evaluation benchmarks for the allocation of staff and volunteer time and resources. The business plan became a living document, revised as necessary, based on operational and organizational requirements. The business plan focused the staff and the volunteers on achievable and measurable outcomes, as well as a vehicle to introduce necessary amendments.

Through my appointment to the Yukon Government Cabinet Task Force on the development of an Employment Equity policy that would create a representative workforce, I participated as a co-chair of an interdepartmental committee mandated to consult internally and externally with government and the public to ensure full participation and understanding of the resulting employment equity policy. This process resulted in the full implementation of the employment equity policy, helping to create a more representative workforce.